Newman Missionary Ministries is established in 2003 by the vision of seven young men, who were theological graduates. As the vision by the young man and by the love of God they decided to reach the unreached. Tracts were prayerfully distributed in villages in Tamilnadu.
By the Grace of God, we are sustained in this ministry for the past 13 years. God has led our ministry through His divine plans. God is holding our hands to carry on this ministry. He has not forsaken us and he never put us to shame. And God has raised some sponsors, Promotional workers, volunteers for this ministry. Many prayer partners joined with us for building God’s Kingdom. All Glory to our Lord.
We are going by God’s plans and visions. We preach our Lord Jesus Christ to rural villages through sharing God’s word, issuing tracts, providing necessities, conducting free medical camps, giving tailoring training, educational support and ecobomic develop scheme such as providing livelyhood.
Preaching Christ in every unreached remote village of India and establishing churches .
Greetings to all in the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
BY the grace of our Lord and his wonderful guidance, our ministry is doing well God has graceful and abided with us in all the spheres of the mission. God's grace enable the responsible members of our mission to this work and also strengthened the faith of the congregation. WE happily find our vision getting realised fully with our motto 'Christ for every Village' getting enlivened wonderfully. God show the way for the Gospal to be announced in many new mission fields,for churches to be built,for conducting services, for all necessary infrastructure to be established and for the belivers to gather and Workship God. God has been helping us to establish many new churches and to accomplish social welfare schemes in the 12 states to accomplish social welfare schemes. We are happy to announce that there are now more than 128 missionaries are being supported through our mission. by the grace of god we also conduct village Outreach Ministry .
Do join us in this vision and pray for us. We hope and trust that the Lord who led us till this day, will continue to lead us and fulfill many great things through this ministry.
" Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His Knowledge in every place".-2 Cor.2:14.
Let us all pray together to get multiplied in the grace of God, to get new visions every day and for the visions to be fulfilled. Let us support and introduce the mission everywhere. Let us build the Kingdom of God. May God bless us all and guide us till the end. Amen.